Sunday, April 21, 2013

R.E.S.O.N.A.T.E. Have you ever....?


Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound.
Evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions.

Have you ever had this experience? You know that one when someone says something and your body, mind or whatever it is goes "ah ha, YES. did you know?" You r mouth is dropped open and you feel like they have read your mind? You been there? It is the place when your soul or inner knowing hears the TRUTH, its TRUTH.

I have had A LOT of resonating experiences in the last few years. Some of the reason for that is I constantly assume an open position in front of teachers. As is the fact that I seek out teachers and trust that they have information for me to support my development. From this space, as often as I have the res.o.nate, I also have had the "uh you did not" moments as well. BUT it has taken me a good while to be able to say "NO...that is NOT for me!". Mostly because I put them on the 'all knowing' pedestal...all knowing for them perhaps!

See, when you assume the open position, your mind is available for the influence of other peoples projections and opinions. In my experience, when I am in this head space, my filter is less likely to hit my intuition space. In the past, in my open space, I will take in and not respond when my inner knowing says "no way baby, this is not you at all". Why have I done this?

I have come to understand that there is a part of me that doesn't actually trust my inner knowing. I give my power to those I 'perceive' as more spiritual, more knowing, more experienced etc to decide what is true for me. ARE YOU KIDDING? How on earth can ANYONE know what is best for another person? Well...maybe Dr Phil? Yeah, some may or may not be able to make this call. BUT, even Dr Phil can say some things, no okay...he hasn't to date in my opinion...but he COULD say something that may NOT res.o.nate with me - as can anyone! In order to know this, I HAVE to pay attention to how I feel when the information is delivered.

I am getting soooooo good at saying "no...feels not right"...and it takes practice AND I am still finding situations where I say "shit, I didn't listen"...

When was the last time you were in this open space, awaiting and 'answer' and one arrived you went "ah YES"?

When was the last time you were given some information to consider by someone you consider a great teacher and your inner knowing went "uh no...I reckon you are off the mark there"...but didn't stand up and say something? For me, it happened recently AND boy did I learn something! What did I learn? My job is to pay attention to my inner knowing and always go with that, for better or for worse. My inner knowing as yours is, is super amazingly on to it...we just need to trust it...for better for for worse. This for me is truth.

From now on, no res.o.nate, no pass go, no collect $200 (should be more now with inflation and all that jazz)...

Will you commit to the re.o.nate movement with me? Shout it back to me if you do!

All in favour say "I"

Always speak kindly to yourself

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