Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Are you someone who seems to "beat yourself up" when you are imperfect? When we speak kindly to ourselves, we can speak kindly to others.

Are you someone who likes to take a battering ram to yourself when you 'stuff up' or 'make a mistake' or say or do something 'wrong'. You hold it tight and you relive the event over and over and each time you belt yourself, not literally but with the words you say about yourself in your mind.

While you spend time holding tightly to this battering ram, you miss out on reaching out to a loved one who just wants a hug. You miss out on picking up an inspiring book to support you. You miss out on grabbing some nourishing food. You miss out on patting someone on the back saying "great job"...because you are too busy holding this self abusing tool.

Enough now precious! Seriously, enough! Put down the battering ram. You may have messed up. May have done something you aren't proud of. Let your awareness of this be enough. Let is be a teaching opportunity. Let it be a moment where you were human. Let it be a time you weren't in your most 'spiritual' self. Let is be an opportunity to do it a different way! SO WHAT?

With the battering ram down, look down at your free hands. What are you going to do for the betterment of your life. Pick up a book. Write a note to a friend to say 'thanks for being you', give your children a hug, high five your husband for his awesomeness, shake the hand of your boss to say, well done, make a delicious meal for yourself and your friends.

See how much time is wasted on hurting yourself. Enough of the victim role. It has served you well to keep you 'safe', but in doing that you have been hurting yourself...and without you knowing, hurting the people around you.

Speak kindly to yourself my love.

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