Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Imagination is Beautiful

I am climbing a ladder. Rung by rung, and doing it effortlessly and slowly. There are ladders beside me, behind me all around me. I pass people as I climb. Some say wait, can I climb with you. I say "absolutely, would love to share the journey". We are still on different ladders but heading in the same direction.

Some try to grab me and pull me down, yelling at me not to get ahead of them, it's not fair, what about me...to them, I take their hands and say "I will help you climb higher, but I wont be pulled down".

I pass others who are so content on their rung and they don't look up. I pass others that tell me I'll never make it to where I am going. To them I smile and keep climbing. Some yell to me good luck, keep going.

When I look up it is so bright I don't know what I am climbing into, but it is warm it is safe...so I keep climbing.....


  1. Thanks for sharing your spiritual journey with me Jen, I so enjoy reading your Blogs.
    Peace and Love

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment Lyn. I am so happy to share it with you Lyn. Love and light. Jen. xo
