Tuesday, July 23, 2013

If you have been following along, you will know that I suffered a wee disappointment recently. To catch you up if you haven't read, the short version is this. Planned to see Brene Brown in Sydney Australia. Booked flights. Organised baby sitters. Bought ticket at Councourse in Sydney. Yes...that last task is where it went plop! As I sit here, I DO NOT have a ticket to this event.

Instead of throwing my toys around (no, ok..after I threw my toys around) I made a decision. I decided that I was going Dare Greatly and USE this experience to add to my life adventure instead of being the victim. I was going to get real about my disappointment instead of shrinking into the "really, that's all you have to worry about in your life...geeze you go alright then huh?".

Truth is, it bites when you have your heart so set on something and it doesn't go the way we had planned. How often do we experience this? It bites so hard for some of us, that we make a decision to avoid that kind of disappointment again, and then get locked into this stuck place of "I don't want to be let down again" or "I don't deserve to want anything, things don't work out for me anyway". It bites when you tell everyone close to you how excited you are about this plan...and then when they ask about it, you have to tell them what happened. It bites when they say "oh well, maybe next time" when that isn't what you want to hear. It just bites!

So, I decided that I would set a personal Daring Greatly Challenge. I would invite situations where I would have to show up and be seen, in all it's delicious (and somewhat uncomfortable) authentic-ness. When I set out on this challenge I wasn't sure what was going to show up. AND if I am honest, not a lot has. Perhaps it is relative to where I am on the vulnerability continuum. Perhaps it is through one of those 'phases' where having courage and being brave is like slicing butter with a hot knife. Maybe. But whatever the reason, I am Daring Greatly to enjoy this RIGHT NOW instead of waiting for the wheels to go wrong or something 'bad' happening. I am enjoying the joy of just being right here, right now.

This morning however, I had a tiny little challenge to Dare Greatly! I have been wanting to buy an indoor plant for AGES. The reason I have been procrastinating is this story "I haven't got a very good track record with keeping plants alive and I don't want to kill another one". Yes, it is true, my track record isn't that great. I even have friends that play roles in this story to keep that story alive. BUT today, I decided to Dare Greatly and bring it into the house because I love it. I don't know what is going to happen with it, but for now, it is adding life to our home space. So, thank you little plant!

I am curious, are there any 'stories' that you keep telling yourself about areas of your life that are keeping you from enjoying the small things or the big things? I'd love to hear.

In the meantime, keep vibrating that ticket to see Brene in Sydney at the Concourse on the 3rd of August for me! THANK YOU!

Always speak kindly to yourself.

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