When things don't go to plan, are you a tantrum thrower? Do you pout and make those around know without a shadow of a doubt you are peeved? Those said people maybe even are dodging the debris of your tantrum chuck. Silent, broody, snappy, easily frustrated. I have this tendency. Such a joy to be around (sarcasm alert).
So what do you do when things don't go your way? Are you an "oh well, that sucks a little" kinda person or similar to the one described above?
Here is the thing, and I am not just saying this to justify my behaviour...truth is, it does suck lemon pips when you make plans, get excited about it and then it doesn't go to plan. What we need to get ok with, is feeling the disappointment instead of pretending we aren't feeling let down or annoyed. When we suppress what is real, it festers and manifests in to all out explosions, and usually the shrapnel hits those closest to us. They cop a beating as much as we beat ourselves a lot of the time.
Lets commit to feeling it, expressing it cleanly, moving it through us and then moving on to resetting the goal, or rebooking the plan, or whatever. When we hold hostility toward the world because it "isn't fair" our hands are full again. We must put down the hostility, move it on or even drop kick it, pick up our phones and call someone to tell them about the disappointment, pick up a pen and write about the disappointment, go to a boxing class and beat the bajoonkas out of a boxing bag, sit in the lotus position and mediate. Find some action to move the negative energy through.
You deserve to feel disappointed, stop pretending you don't. Think of the energy you are holding to stay annoyed. Move it on, You deserve to be excited again. If you practice disappointment disposal, you are less likely to be inhibited getting excited again because you know that whatever the outcome, you're going to be ok.
So my friends, are you feeling disappointed about anything? Would love for you to dispose of it here!
Speak kindly to yourself.
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