Have you ever experienced that sensation when you have so much seemingly rattling around in your mind that you can't seems to get a sensicle thingy outski of zee gob skoo? It is happening to me right now! So much amazing 'buzz' that it doesn't appear to want to organise itself. Funny that..why would it? It is creative thinking at it's best. Or is it?
The right brain experience of endless possibilities is in full flow. For me, this is my happy place. I love possibilities. I love the exploration of all things outside the boxes we have created for all things. Just playing with the 'what if's' the 'how abouts' and smashing the 'yeah buts' to bits! I love it....
Then, enter left brain. The 'organiser' the 'realist'. I love you left brain, I do...but it is this past of me that actually causes me the most discomfort and 'struggle'. The use of my left brain feels like a limited thinking experience, devoid of feeling and expression. Of course, this is only a perception. My left brain is a fire cracker and love that part of me...despite it's need to organise me and the world around me.
In an attempt to return to ultimate balance in my worldly experience, I am exploring the sensation of creative play and then structured progress. It looks like this:
Right brain - oh my god, how amazing is it that now I know what I am passionate about, I just want to do that ALL the time. I want to play and create. I want to explore and adventure through the endless possibilities that exist. I want to develop everything I love into something that can be a teaching option for so many. This could really impact our individual lives and communities and our world. There are no limits to the impact. You know, parents, kids, teachers....like...everyone! yay, I just want to dance and sing and write and explore and talk and laugh and play!
Left brain - right, so when are you going to be doing this, for how many hours a day and what are the implications of this kind of behaviour on the rest of your worldly experience? Have you thought about the cost of doing this, the impact on your family and on your time. Have you structured a plan to make this seen?
Right brain - No. I don't know...I just want to play and explore that. I don't want to be boxed in.
Left brain - that's fine, but what about all this other stuff? The house work, the kids stuff, the husband stuff, the relationship stuff...the money stuff, the business stuff...
Right brain - Oh, that other stuff? Hmmmm...What if there is a creative way to integrate all the 'stuff' into life, but do it with a creative lightness and joy.
Left sure - sure, I love your approach BUT have you got a plan of what that may be and some outcomes that can be measure so we can evaluate the success and failure?
Right brain - I'm open to the possibility I might. BUT right now I don't...Hang on...thats your department right? Can you get on with that while I am over here developing a new space for people to share and learn and grow?
Left brain - Here is a novel idea and I'm surprised you didn't come up with it....How about we come together and share both of our strengths to create this project?
Right brain - hmmm, I like your thinking.
Left brain - me too, you keen?
Right brain - sure.
Left brain - meet at 12 noon then..
Right brain - hmmm, after I have finished creating these amazing new visions for our next project....?
Left brain - when though?
Right brain - soon
Left brain - wow...how on earth do you get anything done?
Right brain - good question...see you at 12 noon. Thank you lovely brain! xx
Left brain - I'll bring planner, dates, times, goals, evaluative tools..
Right brain - I wont....see you soon!
Whoa.....are you tired after reading that? Imagine if you did that all day long..? Well guess what...we do!
Once upon a time I believed that it was a badge of honour to have a busy mind and a busy life. I believed that to have the badge, the cape the mask and the superhuman strength meant I was worthy. What I now know is, that while I need all the activity in my mind between the right and the left is beautiful and purposeful BUT it is not meant to be at that level all the time, all day, everyday.
I see it a little like a 'pull back car'. You know the ones...they look a little like match box cars and when you pull them back and they go click click...when you hear that sound you release and it shoots off at high speed...until it stops. Then we pull it back and shalllooom, there it goes again..for me, the pull back is the quietening. The meditating. The rest. The shhh. The opportunity for both the left and the right to meet and both go shhhhh. Hear that...Ahhhh, yes, shhhh.
It is in this state that I receive the divine information that is available to support me in whatever it is I am desiring to create. My mind is quiet so my heart is open. Shhhh, be still. Feel the truth supporting me.
My way of achieving this shhhh, is to meditate, usually guided, to hang out the washing, to wash the dishes, to sit, to breath, to do yoga...It has taken much exploration to experience this shhhhh. Laying still with my hand on my heart and my other hand on my belly. Inhale, exhale, shhhhhh. Mmmm, I welcome the connection to my heart. Here, I now know, is where it all lives...all the answers for me...they are right here!
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