Along my journey of transformation, there has been much temptation (and actual) to compare myself to others on their journey of transformation. The frustration of not healing 'fast enough', not growing fast enough, not creating enough, not doing this as good as them, not doing that as good as them...urgh...the comparisons are poo poo scuboo! Constipation alert!
Today, I have had some awareness...can I share it with you?
During my meditation today a single butterfly flitted merrily around me throughout. Dancing on the breath of mother earth, almost skipping with what looked like joy. I thought about the massive transformation that this creature has had to go through. This is when it all dawned on me...
Looking up to the trees and their majestic composure, I had a 'switch' moment. The moment when the switch is hit and you can see. Both the tree and the butterfly had gone through massive transformations. The tree, as a little seed, planted under the ground in the dark gradually moved toward the light. Transforming from a tiny being into something that is so visually different it would be unrecognisable as the same living thing for an alien who might visit us for the first time!
The butterfly whose journey started as a little caterpillar (who itself started as an ovum)moving in the unconditional love of mother nature, goes into the dark to dissolve and re-program to emerge into the light as an entirely new being.
Both these pieces of nature are remarkably different in their transformation. Each requiring different environmental conditions to thrive, each requiring different time frames to transform. See, nature doesn't make mistakes. Everything is purposeful. They are DIFFERENT. They are UNIQUE. They are EQUALLY important. The butterfly may only flit around joyfully for a week, and then move to another energy state, where as the tree may be around for hundreds of years.
As I watched the butterfly, I saw no mocking of the "nar na na na na...I can move from here to here to here and you can't". I didn't see the tree trying to uproot itself to be like the butterfly. I didn't see the hear the tree mocking the butterfly and saying "sucker...I am going to live to see sooooo many more days than you" and the butterfly racing off to see how it could prolong it's life.
You know why? And no, not because they aren't speaking organisms...even if that is true...BUT the real reason is they both know their purpose. Their purpose is to just be! To be themselves! That is all. THAT is ALL. That is it! Get it? You want it to be more complicated?
We need to STOP looking at the transformation of others and compering. Some transformations are rapid, others take time. It is just that way. When you hear yourself saying "I've done more courses, retreats, read more books, taught more classes, gone to more place (you've got it huh?) than them, and yet they are further in their transformation than me" STOP and observe what happens to how you feel about yourself in that moment...
What this tells you is that you are being distracted by someone else's purpose and not focussing on your own. Some people say "but I don't know my purpose"...which I know I could relate to...but you do. It is the same for all of us...our purpose is to just BE OURSELVES. Stop overcomplicating. My purpose right now is to BE a woman in her mid-thirties, with a love of her 3 children, a love of her husband, a love of reading and writing, a love of learning, a love of nature, a love of great friends, a love of sleep, healing past pain, reconciling a relationship with my mother and family...that is my job, not yours, not the lass up the street. Someone has to do these things, and I'm the one to do those the way I do them. 'mission' however is different again. My mission is to use my life to learn so I can teach, to get so I can
give away...
Our 'mission' is the thing we get lost in, not our purpose. You know your purpose because it is happening in this very moment.
AND mission and THE NOW is a whole new topic (which I will write about in the coming weeks...stay tuned).
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